Ensure high reliability and greater efficiency in high-voltage testing

Electrical tests are essential to ensure the quality and performance of equipment, as well as to guarantee user safety and prevent potential failures that could result in damage, operational interruptions, and losses.

"Ensure high reliability and greater efficiency in high-voltage testing"
What are electrical tests and product quality

What are electrical tests and product quality

Electrical tests represent crucial procedures for assessing and ensuring the quality of electrical products. These analyses are conducted on electrical equipment and components to ensure they meet established technical requirements, standards, and quality standards.

Quality in electrical products is of utmost importance, intrinsically linked to the safety, performance, and reliability of the equipment.

In this context, electrical tests play a fundamental role in ensuring this quality, enabling the detection and correction of possible faults, defects, or deviations that could compromise the proper functioning of the products.

Benefits of electrical tests

Compliance with current standards
Greater reliability for the product in the market
Safety for consumers
Fault detection and optimization

The importance of electrical tests in the industry

In the industry, conducting electrical tests is imperative to ensure compliance with technical and safety regulations, preventing risks associated with electrical failures such as short circuits, fires, or serious accidents.

Additionally, these tests play a crucial role in maximizing the lifespan of electrical equipment. By avoiding unexpected production stops, they contribute to reducing maintenance costs and optimizing the overall performance of industrial systems.

The importance of electrical tests in the industry
Tradition of high reliability in the market

Tradition of high reliability in the market

HVEX, originating from masters and doctors of the High Voltage Laboratory at the Federal University of Itajubá - UNIFEI, is a company specialized in High Voltage with extensive experience. Our highly qualified professionals use the most advanced technologies and methods to perform precise and reliable electrical tests.

With a proven track record of academic and industrial excellence, HVEX is a national pioneer in the manufacturing of high-voltage laboratories and is the reliable choice to ensure the quality, safety, and performance of electrical systems, providing peace of mind and confidence to our clients.

Explore our portfolio of equipment tests

HVEX offers a wide range of tests on electrical equipment to ensure the quality, safety, and performance of your systems. With experience and expertise in the field, we are ready to meet the needs of various industrial sectors, offering precise and reliable solutions.

  • Atmospheric impulse withstand voltage
  • Thermal cycles
  • Partial Discharges
  • Electrical resistance
  • Electrical and screening voltage
  • Insulation resistance at ambient temperature and maximum steady-state temperature
  • Partial Discharges
  • Determination of dielectric loss factor (Tangent of delta)
  • Thermal cycles in air and water
  • Impulse voltage up to 40/69 kV
  • Standardized atmospheric impulse in overload regime
  • Humidity
  • Salt mist
  • Dielectric compatibility (compact distribution system)
  • Nominal withstand voltage of atmospheric impulse
  • Nominal withstand voltage at industrial frequency in dry and wet conditions
  • Temperature rise
  • Ohmic resistance of contacts
  • Artificial pollution
  • Transversal dielectric strength
  • Radio interference voltage
  • Dielectric compatibility (compact distribution system)
  • Thermal cycles with short circuit up to 5 kA
  • Heating
  • Electrical resistance of the connection
  • Withstand voltage at industrial frequency
  • Leakage current measurement
  • Disruptive voltage
  • Insulation resistance
  • Leakage current measurement
  • Determination of dielectric loss factor (Tangent of delta)
  • Applied voltage at industrial frequency in dry and wet conditions
  • Discharge voltage at industrial frequency in dry and wet conditions
  • Nominal withstand voltage of atmospheric impulse (dry)
  • Impulse discharge voltage
  • Determination of nominal withstand voltage of atmospheric impulse
  • Impulse discharge voltage
  • Radio interference voltage
  • Pollution
  • Leakage current
  • Residual voltage X discharge current
  • Impulse withstand currents (up to 50 kA)
  • Long-duration withstand current
  • Automatic disconnector test
  • Operation cycle
  • Steep impulse residual voltage
  • Partial discharges
  • Withstand voltage at industrial frequency in dry and wet conditions (up to 36.2 kV)
  • Partial discharges (up to 36.2 kV dry)
  • Resistance of windings
  • Impulse withstand voltage
  • Radio interference voltage
  • Electrical resistance of windings
  • Voltage ratios
  • Insulation resistance
  • Polarity
  • Angular displacement and phase sequence
  • No-load and load losses
  • Excitation current
  • Short-circuit impedance
  • Withstand voltage at industrial frequency (applied voltage)
  • Nominal withstand voltage of atmospheric impulse (up to 500 kVA – 34.5 kV)
  • Heating (up to 300 kVA for classes 15 and 24.2 kV, and up to 150 kVA for class 36.2 kV)
  • Noise level (acoustic)
  • Insulation power factor
  • Radio interference voltage level (RIV)
  • Induced voltage
  • Partial discharges