Standard Capacitor for Patial Discharges Tests
Standard Capacitor for Partial Discharges Tests
HVEX Standard Capacitor for Partial Discharges Tests is a high-precision capacitive or resistive-capacitive divider capable of regulating the voltage ratio between an input point and a supply point, as in measurement, protection, control, or automation circuits. With its ability to control amplitude and phase, it provides accurate signals in various applications, from electrical monitoring to communication and data acquisition. With high reliability, it is ideal for use in hydrogenerators, reactors, transformers, energized buses, cables, and more. The coupling capacitor is the ideal solution for various applications, ensuring precise and reliable measurements. Keywords: Coupling Capacitor, real-time analysis, capacitive divider, resistive-capacitive divider, measurement, transformer measurement, voltage divider. Standards: IEEE Std C57.124, IEEE Std C27.113, IEEE Std 1434, IEC 60270, IEC 60060, IEEE Std. 400, NBR 5356