Atmospheric Impulse And Swicthing Surge Generator

Atmospheric Impulse And Swicthing Surge Generator

Explore our cutting-edge technology in high-voltage impulse generation. Exclusivelly customized tailor-made, our generator is the reliable solution for evaluating the resistance of electrical equipment to atmospheric and switching surges. Keywords: Impulse generator, impulse current, lightning discharges, switching surges, lightning arrester, spark gap, protection against atmospheric discharge, impulse test. Standards: IEC 60076-11, NBR 5356-1, IEC 60060-1, IEC 60060-2, IEEE Std C57.12.01.

HVEX | Atmospheric Impulse And Swicthing Surge Generator

Technical Information

Standards Complied
IEC 60060, NBR 61083, NBR 6939, NBR 5356, and NBR 5440
Discharge Voltage
Up to 2400 kV
Discharge Energy
2.5 kJ, 5 kJ, or 10 kJ, possibly reaching up to 240 kJ
Voltage per Stage
Up to 200 kV
Capacitance of Each Stage
1 μF to 2 uF

HVEX Impulse Generator: Customization for Excellence

Experience the electrical revolution with the HVEX Impulse Generator. Tailored to exceed international standards, this equipment is the key to precise dielectric assessments in transformers, isolators, cables, and more. HVEX stands out as the only national manufacturer of these generators, ensuring unmatched quality and customization to meet the specific needs of your electrical infrastructure. Raise the standard of your assessments and boost your operational efficiency.

HVEX | HVEX Impulse Generator: Customization for Excellence
HVEX | Benefits and Usability

Benefits and Usability

  • HVEX | Complete supply
    Complete supply

    Includes specification, grounding design, training, among others.

  • HVEX | Ease of Operation
    Ease of Operation

    Centralized control at the workstation, remote operation.

  • HVEX | Operational safety
    Operational safety

    High automation, audible alarms, protection relays, and automatic grounding.

  • HVEX | Possibility of Various Waveforms
    Possibility of Various Waveforms

    Atmospheric and switching impulses for various tests.


Enjoy the benefits of LIAS

  • Data storage

    With the solutions, it is possible to have a database and all the records of tests performed for later queries.

  • Complete analysis

    Automatically analyzes front times, half-wave, maximum value, oscillation coefficient, residual voltage, and maximum current.

  • Automatic reports

    Through HVEX LIAS, it is also possible to automatically generate custom technical reports in .pdf and .doc formats.

  • Specialized support

    Have unlimited access to national software support, in addition to constant platform updates.

Exclusive Features

  • HVEX | ImageHigh robustness
  • HVEX | ImageHigh reliability
  • HVEX | ImageHigh accuracy
  • HVEX | Image Embedded automation

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