Combined Wave Impulse Generator

Impulse Generator with Combined Wave

The Current Impulse Generator with Combined Wave enables the execution of efficient and customized dielectric tests to ensure the integrity of electrical equipment through impulse current tests. Applied to a wide range of devices, it offers a compact and customized design, along with computerized operation, ensuring reliability, safety, and robustness in testing. Keywords: Impulse generator, impulse current, lightning discharges, switching surges, lightning arrester, spark gap, protection against atmospheric discharge, impulse test. Standards: IEC 60060, IEC 60099-4, IEC 62305-1, IEC 61643-11, NBR 6939.

HVEX | Impulse Generator with Combined Wave

Technical Information

Standards Complied
IEC 60060, IEC 60099-4, IEC 62305-1, IEC 61643-11, NBR 6939
Discharge Current
Up to 200 kA, according to customer application
Residual Voltage
Up to 200 kV, according to customer application
Current Impulse
8 × 20 µs (IEC 60099-4 standard for lightning impulse tests)
Capacitance of Each Charge Unit
1 to 10 μF, totaling up to 200 uF

Vital Performance for Dielectric Resilience

HVEX Combined Wave Impulse Generators are crucial elements for evaluating the dielectric withstand of electrical equipment, providing a robust layer of resilience against the impacts of atmospheric discharges. Designed to meet various voltage ranges, these generators comply with the industry's most demanding standards, including IEC 60060, IEC 60099-4, IEC 62305-1, IEC 61643-11, and NBR 6939.

HVEX | Vital Performance for Dielectric Resilience
HVEX | Benefits and Usability

Benefits and Usability

  • HVEX | Project Customization
    Project Customization

    Compact ring-type design and configurable reactors for generating customized impulses.

  • HVEX | Waveform Adjustment
    Waveform Adjustment

    Centralization of all functions in a workstation, allowing remote control.

  • HVEX | Waveform Efficiency
    Waveform Efficiency

    Production of impulses in the 8 × 20µs format, with customization option upon customer request.


Enjoy the benefits of LIAS

  • Data storage

    With the solutions, it is possible to have a database and all the records of tests performed for later queries.

  • Complete analysis

    Automatically analyzes front times, half-wave, maximum value, oscillation coefficient, residual voltage, and maximum current.

  • Automatic reports

    Through HVEX LIAS, it is also possible to automatically generate custom technical reports in .pdf and .doc formats.

  • Specialized support

    Have unlimited access to national software support, in addition to constant platform updates.

Exclusive Features

  • HVEX | ImageHigh performance
  • HVEX | ImageCompact and customizable
  • HVEX | ImageWide application