Partial Discharges (PD) And Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) Measurement System

Partial Discharges (PD) And Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) Measurement System

The PD-RIV Sensor is a device for evaluating partial discharge (PD) and radio frequency interference (RIV) currents in electrical assets. With oil or epoxy insulated capacitors and phase voltages ranging from 13.8 kV to 500 kV, it is versatile for indoor or outdoor use. It has comprehensive applications including generators, transformers, high-voltage conductors, reactors, circuit breakers, and capacitors. As the sole national manufacturer of this equipment, HVEX offers customization according to customer needs. The non-invasive electrical method detects early dieltric faults in insulating materials, crucial for early diagnosis of potential decreases in dielectric withstand of assets. With its high-frequency measurement system and dedicated software, it provides precise and reliable results, essential for promoting asset safety and efficiency. Keywords: Partial discharges, interference currents, capacitors, generators, reactors, transformers, radio interference, dielectric, circuit breakers, active. Standards: IEEE Std C57.124, IEEE Std C57.113, IEEE Std 1434, IEC 60270, IEC 60060, IEEE Std. 400, and NBR 5356.

HVEX | Partial Discharges (PD) And Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) Measurement System

Technical Information

Equipment tested voltage
13.8kV to 500kV
Coaxial cable and Wireless
Communication protocol
TCP/IP, Modbus
Method for partial discharge detection
Electrical (Capacitive)
Radio interference voltage measurement range
100 μV to 2,000mV

Dielectric Evaluation

Electricity handling relies on the conductive and dielectric capabilities of materials. Dielectric materials have relative insulation and can be breached by high voltages or prolonged periods of time or aging, leading to partial discharges that stress the material. The PD sensor assesses the presence and severity of these discharges by connecting to a transformer bushing via a capacitive coupler or adapting to other equipment. HVEX utilizes the capacitive electrical method to measure partial discharges, filtering and treating discrete pulses to provide results on the severity of partial discharges. Meanwhile, radio interference voltage (RIV) testing verifies whether the equipment operates without distortions in environments exposed to electromagnetic fields, evaluating the response signal by an oscilloscope after passing through filters and dividers. The PD-RIV HVEX Sensor is the ideal choice for accurate and reliable assessment of partial discharges and radio frequency interference voltage (RIV), ensuring safety and efficiency across various applications

HVEX | Dielectric Evaluation
HVEX | Benefits and Usability

Benefits and Usability

  • HVEX | Accurate Assessment
    Accurate Assessment

    Provides an accurate and reliable assessment of partial discharges (PDs) and radio frequency interference voltage (RIV) in electrical assets, ensuring the safety and integrity of equipment

  • HVEX | Wide Applicability
    Wide Applicability

    With the capability to assess generators, transformers, high-voltage conductors, reactors, circuit breakers, and capacitors, HVEX addresses a variety of needs in electrical systems

  • HVEX | Brazilian manufacturing
    Brazilian manufacturing

    HVEX stands out as the only Brazilian manufacturer of this equipment, ensuring quality, supply, and localized support for customers

  • HVEX | Early Detection
    Early Detection

    Using a non-invasive electrical method, it allows for early detection of potential dielectric failures in assets, enabling corrective actions to be taken in advance

Exclusive Features

  • HVEX | ImageOperational Flexibility
  • HVEX | ImageWide Application
  • HVEX | ImageNational Manufacturing
  • HVEX | ImagePrecision and Versatility