Electrical Tracking And Erosion Resistance Test System

Electrical Tracking And Erosion Resistance Test System

Designed to test the resistance of dielectric materials to the formation of carbonized tracks. It allows for automatic measurements on up to 5 samples simultaneously, according to IEC 60112 and IEC 60587 standards. With a robust and automated design, the testing environment is isolated to ensure accurate results, while a sinusoidal filter controls harmonic distortion. Key words: Electrical tracking, electrical arcing, electrical erosion, silicone insulator, HDPE insulators, high-density polyethylene, high-voltage cables. Standards: IEC 60112, IEC 60587, NBR 10296 and NBR 16326

HVEX | Electrical Tracking And Erosion Resistance Test System

Technical Information

Power supply
220 VCA, 60 Hz
Test Voltage
Up to 10 kV, 60 Hz
Maximum transient current
100 mA
Maximum error
1,5 x 2,0 x 0,8 m (H x L x D)

Incredible performance in resistance tests

HVEX's Electric Tracking and Erosion Resistance Test Module is a robust and automated solution for measuring electric tracking resistance in dielectric materials. Designed to meet IEC 60112 and IEC 60587 standards, this equipment is a reliable solution for assessing the dielectric's ability to resist the formation of carbonized tracks.

HVEX | Incredible performance in resistance tests
HVEX | Benefits and Usability

Benefits and Usability

  • HVEX | National Design
    National Design

    National manufacturing and design for quality and local support.

  • HVEX | 2-year warranty
    2-year warranty

    Peace of mind with our extended warranty.

  • HVEX | Technical support
    Technical support

    On-site or remote assistance nationwide.

  • HVEX | Specialized training
    Specialized training

    Empower your team with our specialized training.

Exclusive Features

The HVEX Electric Tracking and Erosion Testing Module is a national solution for electrical testing, with optimization and agility in simultaneous measurements, serving multiple applications, providing a complete, automated, and accurate solution

  • HVEX | ImageNational manufacturing
  • HVEX | ImageOptimization of tests
  • HVEX | ImageMultiple applications
  • HVEX | ImageAgility and precision