High Voltage Measurement System - Voltage Dividers

High Voltage Measurement System - Voltage Dividers

Tests on electrical equipment often require voltage levels that are incompatible with the reading capacity of devices such as oscilloscopes and protective relays. The HVEX high-voltage measurement systems use resistive dividers to provide precise measurements of alternating, direct, or impulsive voltage. They stand out for their wide operating range and broadband reading capability, with customization available to meet the specific needs of each application. Keywords: Voltage divider, Potential transformer; electronic transformer; voltage measurement; undervoltage protection, overvoltage protection.

HVEX | High Voltage Measurement System - Voltage Dividers

Technical Information

Operating voltage
AC: 5 to 1200 kV and DC: - 5 to 1200 kV
Impulse operating voltage
2.400 kV peak for atmospheric impulse (1.2 × 50 µs) and maneuver (250 × 2500 µs)
Transformation ratios
10:1 to 100,000:1
Operating frequency range
Up to 100 MHz
Constructive type resistive
With resistance from 250 kΩ to 1 GΩ
HVEX | Benefits and Usability

Benefits and Usability

  • HVEX | Nationally Manufactured
    Nationally Manufactured

    Our dividers are locally produced, ensuring reliability and support for your operations.

  • HVEX | Guaranteed High Quality
    Guaranteed High Quality

    Calibrated dividers, applied voltage tests, and operation free of partial discharges.

  • HVEX | Best Cost/Benefit Ratio
    Best Cost/Benefit Ratio

    Our approach seeks to optimize the cost-benefit ratio, ensuring a smart investment for your company.

Exclusive Features

Enhance your electrical tests with our cutting-edge technology. HVEX dividers offer exclusive differentiators to boost accuracy and effectiveness.

  • HVEX | ImageWide Voltage Range
  • HVEX | ImageCustomization on Demand
  • HVEX | ImageExtended Warranty
  • HVEX | ImageSpecialized Training